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350 Illusion Solar Pool Cover Ideal for Outdoor Pools

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Heat your water with the sun | Insulate and save heat loss | Stop evaporation

The 350 illusion is a solar pool cover that takes on the natural colour of your pool while still saving 97% of water evaporation, saving chemicals, money and time.

Pool Equipment Brisbane supplies Daisy Pool Covers and rollers

SKU: Categories: Pool covers

Solar Pool Covers

The 350 illusion is a solar pool cover that takes on the natural colour of your pool while still saving 97% of water evaporation, saving chemicals, money and time.
If you’ve carefully selected your pool colour, why hide it when the Daisy 350i will show your pool colour while giving you all the benefits of a Daisy Pool Cover.
As with all Daisy Pool Covers, they feature Daisy’s trademarked UltraDome™ technology to outperform all others in terms of durability and insulation.

Pool Equipment Brisbane Smart Water Mark ApprovedPool Equipment Brisbane offer climate care certified pool covers

Benefits of a Daisy Solar Pool Cover

Benefits of a Daisy Solar Pool Cover

Reduce the cost of maintaining a warm sustainable pool

Pool Equipment Brisbane Solar Pool Cover

The Daisy Difference

The bubble is the same thickness throughout for greater strength and longer life.

Pool Equipment Brisbane saves your energy and money using pool covers

How to Measure

  1. Measuring your pool is simply a matter of measuring the maximum water level width (W) and length (L) of the main body of water. See illustrations below
  2. Using a tape measure, measure the length (L) and width (W) of your pool
  3. Multiply the L x W to give the square metre figure which you’ll need to calculate the costs of your Daisy pool cover
  4. Daisy will include extra material to allow for upturn and shrinkage, so the exact water level measurements are all that are required
  5. If your pool has steps, measure the step area separately (see below)
  6. If you have a uniquely shaped pool, treat it as rectangular (see below)
  7. We provide all pool covers slightly ‘oversized’ to allow for trimming onsite, using your pool as a template.

How to measure swimming pool cover

When you purchase your roller through Poolkits & Equipment  you will receive our step-by-step Roller Installation guide and expert support

Find out more about our quality swimming pool covers and pool rollers by contacting us for friendly, expert advice.